Raymond Sheh

Raymond Sheh

Speaking at:

Top 10 Risks: Cybersecurity and AI Risk Management for UAS in Public Safety

About this Speaker

Raymond Sheh

Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Research Lead

Dr. Raymond Sheh is the Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) Research Lead for the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Public Safety Communications Research Division (NIST PSCR). He is also an Adjunct Associate Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University. His research interest revolves around trusted robots and autonomous systems, particularly in the areas of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence risk management, standard test methods and performance measurement, explainable artificial intelligence, and fostering the development of technically and operationally meaningful policy and regulation for robotic and cyberphysical systems. He has a particular interest in working with public safety, academia, and industry, to develop research competitions for intelligent response robots that advance state-of-the-science capabilities while also educating competitors about the need to manage and address cybersecurity and artificial intelligence risks. He previously taught undergraduate and graduate subjects in computer science, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity.