Two Sides of the Coin: Risks and Possibilities with AI-Enhanced Drones

Day 3: Breakout Sessions A | 27-Jun-2024 | 11:40 am

Two Sides of the Coin: Risks and Possibilities with AI-Enhanced Drones

Gold Room

Panel experts will discuss some of the risks faced by using Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) in public safety and how those risks can be managed. UAS increasingly use artificial intelligence (AI) for autonomous flying and other functions that benefit from rapid real-time processing of data onboard the aircraft. Operations, such as search and rescue, can benefit from AI. Yet, there is a risk for agencies that integrate AI into an aircraft system, similar to the security risks of connecting any networked Internet of Things (IoT) device. This panel will focus on questions to help public safety management personnel, such as fire and police chiefs, to start the discussion with their IT staff, vendors, and other people in the UAS ecosystem, around improving AI risk management in their agencies.