Exploring MCV QoE Through Live Demonstrations of KPIs

Table #70
Day 1: Technology Demonstrations | 25-Jun-2024 | 3:30 pm

Exploring MCV QoE Through Live Demonstrations of KPIs

Imperial Ballroom

In this mission-critical voice (MCV) demonstration, we will introduce the capabilities of our Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement system. Attendees will experience firsthand the system’s push-to-talk performance under live testing conditions with fluctuating signal strengths. This demonstration will explore the impact of these key variations on QoE, examine the key performance indicators (KPIs) critical to public safety, and illustrate their significance. Additionally, the demonstration provides an interactive experience where participants can adjust specific parameters and observe the effect that those parameters have on the user experience.

Tue 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Mission Critical Services, Tech Demo