5×5 Interact! A Public Safety Scavenger Hunt Deep Dive

Day 3: Breakout Sessions C | 27-Jun-2024 | 3:00 pm

5×5 Interact! A Public Safety Scavenger Hunt Deep Dive

Ambassador Room

Get hands-on experience using public safety solutions in this interactive session. During the scavenger hunt phase, participants will use situational awareness applications and complete clue-based challenges. Come explore the functionalities and capabilities of the solutions so YOU get firsthand insight into their potential application in public safety operations.

Following the scavenger hunt, participants will convene for a deep-dive discussion, during which you can share your experience and provide feedback. During this dialogue, we will identify strengths, challenges, and areas for improvement in the featured solutions. We hope to facilitate meaningful insights and recommendations to enhance the effectiveness and usability of public safety technologies.

Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with innovative solutions, collaborate with fellow public safety professionals, and contribute to the advancement of technology in the field of public safety. Join us for an unforgettable experience that combines hands-on learning with meaningful discussions, shaping the future of public safety solutions.

Learn more and sign up for 5×5 Interact!